Monday, April 07, 2008


February and March proved to be busy months for me. In that time, I completed a major project at work, and performed in a community theater's production of "The Wizard of Oz." Here's me in costume:

I did manage to finish a few crafty things as well:

Knitting Rules by the Yarn Harlot: A good book for beginners. I loved that she suggested making a hat for a first project, or anything other than a scarf.

Knitting Without Tears by Elizabeth Zimmerman : It was interesting to read this right after the Harlot's book. There were a LOT of similarities in tone and sections, that I felt almost like I felt like I was cheated by the Harlot. I don't think it's intentional. It has to be hard to come up with a fresh way to write a "how to" knitting book.

From both of them, I did get the same message: Be fearless in your knitting. Don't be apologetic if what you knit isn't highly complex, or not like anyone else. Think about creating a pattern all by yourself.

I also finished a project:

If you're not a geek, this is a Dalek, from Dr. Who. We have a friend who's a big Dr. Who fan, so it seemed appropriate to make him one for his birthday. We wrapped it in this:

This is a Tardis, which in the show, is the "spaceship" the Doctor travels in. Tom was very appreciative of his present!

With all this, my 2nd sock has suffered. It's going to suffer some more, since making the Dalek, I've been commissioned to make another one.

That's what I like about knitting. Even when something is finished, there's always another project waiting to be completed.


soccer mom in denial said...

Alright, now I know there is nothing - NOTHING - you cannot do.


I just pale in comparison to you.

aka - mom of 2/3 of the Lollipop Guild

Unknown said...

Sorry I missed you on my trip. We will have to catch up via phone soon.