Monday, February 18, 2008

When geek meets knit

As I mentioned last week, I was making my husband's Valentine's Day present. Here's what I did:

For those non-geeky folks, it's a dice bag. But not just any dice bag. It's a dice bag with the Green Lantern logo on it.

I charted the logo myself a few years back, when I made him a pair of Green Lantern Socks. In fact, it's the same yarn for the socks! Waste not, want not - A great justification for your yarn stash.

The bottom I put in short rows. This gave it a nice curve to look more like a bag, and the bottom didn't have to get sewn up.

I'm thinking of writing a pattern up for it. I haven't written one before, so it would be something new to add to my crafty repertoire.

I love knitting "Geeky" things. So far, I've made a Dr. Who scarf, GL socks, GL dice bag, a few Knithulus, and Wonder Woman bracelets. I haven't made a "Jayne" hat yet, or a knit Dalek. I've got a few ideas up my sleeve, however, for some more geekiness in the future.

Now that the present is done, I've gone back to the "mundane" knitting, Pomatamus. I've finished the leg, turned the heel, and in the final stretch of the foot. These will be done and on my tootsies hopefully soon!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hearts a'knittin'

My sock has been taking a holiday on my computer desk this week, so I can knit my husband a Valentine's day present. I cannot show you progress on that , in case he reads this and then the whole surprise is ruined!

Instead, I'd like to share some fabulous Valentine-themed patterns I've found:

Heart-Felt Necklace found here: Coats and Clark
I love this, because it's not just knit. The mixed mediums of this little piece wants me to rush down to the local craft store to get the materials!

Conversation Hearts Scarf on Crochet Me
I'm a sucker for conversation hearts...and granny squares!

Handful of Hearts from Mochimochiland
must...not...die...from the cute...of leetle hearts...SQUEE!

Lovemeknot illusion socks at slippedstitch's blog
This pattern reminds me I need to try illusion knitting...and what fun on socks, when you see the pattern when you wiggle your toes!!!

If these patterns didn't hit you like Cupid's arrow, try Knitting Pattern Cental for some heart-themed patterns.

And finally, for those who celebrate "Black Thursday," The AntiCraft has a pattern to express how you feel about Valentine's Day, or to get your Buffy on:
Stabbity Stabbity!

Whatever you do on Thursday, be sure to stay warm, whether it's snuggling with a loved one, or some warm wool and needles!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Passing of the needles

One night this week on my way home, I was happily knitting my sock on the subway. Across from me was a little girl, watching. She tugged on her Mom's sleeve and said, "Mommy, that woman over there is doing something wonderful!." I looked up, and said thank you.

"What is it?" The girl asked. I told her it was a sock. To prove it, I turned it upside-right so she could see it in a more sock-like pose.

"WOW," she replied, eyes filled with awe. "How did you learn to do that?" I said my Mom taught me when I was little.

"Mommy," she turned to her and asked, "will you teach me to do that?"

"As soon as I get someone to show me how, sweetie," her Mom answered.

I decided there I would make this week's post in praise of my Mom, the craftster who started me down this path with yarn. When I was little, she taught me to crochet first, then knit. I did both off and on through my life, but it's only the past ten years or so it's become a passion for me.

Mom taught me other crafts as well; sewing, baking, embroidery...except tatting. She kept telling me she'd teach me to tat when I was older. I'm 34 now, Ma, am I old enough? :)

I hear from a lot of people who talk to me about crafting that their grandmother would knit, sew, or crochet, but their mom didn't, and so they never learned. Somehow, fiber arts skipped a generation.

In today's society, we don't need to pass on skills or trades to our children for their livelihood. I think that's why a lot of people in my age group weren't taught these things as kids. Although I am grateful for the advancement of women in society, and the other advancements we've made, I'm sad about this loss. I hope the current "craze" with knitting, and now crocheting, will be passed on, both to sons and daughters (Mom was ahead of her time there, too; my brother was taught cross-stitching, and made a quite a few great bits of art).

All of this makes me so lucky that I had a Mom that didn't skip on the crafting, and was able to pass it on to me. I also realize that I've never asked her how she was taught, something I should rectify in the future.

Until I have kids to pass this on to, I'll do my part by giving lessons, and inspire awe in kids on the subway.

And the sock, so far:

(Picture quality is due to being taken with a cell-phone; my digital camera is in mood, and won't work today.)