Monday, May 28, 2007

I do...not like abbreviated patterns! [knit]

I decided to create a blog that would be solely for my two hobbies writing and knitting. I'll be adjusting this as I get more savvy with the Blogspot interface.

For now, let's get into knitting.

Right now I'm working on the I do pattern from Knitty to go with my wedding dress. I had a week down at the Cape to work on it. This is 45 rows of knitting:
(click on photo for larger version and detail.)

I'm using Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool (color 01). It's really soft. I'm knitting them on my Denise needles. Not always the best choice for lace knitting. While I was in Woolcott, I looked over at the Addi turbos. and contemplated it, but I decided against it. I wanted to knit this on the needles that my fiancee gave me. It makes it a little harder to knit, but worth the effort in the end.

There are markers between each lace repeat. This was recommended in the pattern, and it has made the lacework easier to keep track of. The pattern is over a repeat of 12, so I know if I don't have 12 between each one, I'm in trouble.

I do not like the way the pattern was written. I have never been a big fan of the patterns that to save space give you directions for the next 20 or so rows, then say "at the same time..." and then give you more directions. I've found this most common in decrease row patterns. The first time I came across it, I had NO idea how to wrap my brain around it, and I called my knitting Help Desk - Ma. Ma did the math over the phone without batting an eye.

I, however, am not as quick as that (yet). I created an excel spreadsheet for the pattern, with row-by-row instructions, and put at the end of the row how many stitches I should have left. I was pretty impressed with my effort.

Until I got to working the decreases. The decrease section will have one less stitch each round. I wrote the decrease section directions like there will always be 12, and I'll only be decreasing one. Trying to work in pattern, and figure out the decrease was a difficult task. But, I got through it without having to pull out any stiches. Phew!

I'm almost at the "Elbow to shoulder" section. I'm hoping to get this done soon, so I can move on to bridesmaid favors. I want to get all the wedding knitting done early, so I when I need to knit to relieve stress before the wedding, it won't be something that HAS to be done.